Like a volcano, i am mostly quiet and calm, but when you piss me off and i erupt, you'll wish you could turn back time and change it all. (okay i sound scary but i am nice too ><)

Like a pig (I surely hope I don't look like one), i eat alot. Maybe people would consider me to have a reputation for gluttony? I don't say that i over consume my food or over-indulge it. I just have a very fast digestive system and hence i have to eat to fill my tummy(: And so yes, I LOVE FOOD!!!!!

Like cosmetics, i think of myself as a person who likes to enhance beauty. As in, i love to beautify things. Make up is to beautify and enhance, its not fake -.-

Like a telescope, you need to move it around to find the star you're looking for. I always need guidance at the beginning before i can fully focus on what i want or what i need.

Like a flea market, you have to dig deep and search to find a good bargain or something rare. I have much more to offer when you have the patience and willing to get to know me more. Because i feel that i shouldn't give away myself too fast (:
Like doodlings, I am pretty much random. I say and do what i think (of course with filter) Usually would make random noises throughout the boring days to keep myself entertained ;D

Like Minimalism, i appreciate simple objects that are reduced to its minimal form. Preferable if its functional and not just for decorative purposes only xD Decorative is fine as long as it helps to enhance a room or an outfit (:
p/s: that is actually a bauhaus chess set, butttt for me,
bauhaus is just like minimalsm except more extreme (x
bauhaus is just like minimalsm except more extreme (x

Like a pen, that has a variety of colours, i have variety of personalities. I can adapt easily to situations (it may take some time but i am fine) I can change personality to suit into the situation and i am not faking it, i feel comfortable doing it cause i just like varieties (x

Like a cat, i may be often seen as someone who keeps to herself (although i mostly act that way but i don't really think so :/), someone who looks cold and cocky. But once you get to know me, like really really know me LIKE REALLYYY, i will be totally open with you and talking about anything just about almost ANYTHING!!!!! I'm warm and fluffy x) (not hairy)
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